Rhodonite is a pinkish-red, and sometimes brown, stone that grows mostly in the massive form with black shards of manganese oxide. Less commonly, it can be found in the tabular form, typically with rounded edges. This is an apt metaphor for Rhodonite’s metaphysical properties as well. This is a stone that creates well-rounded people. It is a stone of the Fire and Earth elements that carries with it the Fire attributes of passion in love and life as well as the Earth attributes of success and warmth. Rhodonite resonates with the Heart and Root chakras working to promote compassion and kindness towards others. The love that emanates from the Heart chakra while using Rhodonite is one that is meant to promote the betterment of the world. It does this through the opening and harmonization of the Root chakra. Rhodonite fully grounds the user to Earth and allows them to be the most generous, loving and honest person they can be. It directs one’s attention from the inward, to the outward focus. The user is no longer distracted by their own personal advancement, but instead of what is best for the community. Additionally, Rhodonite is excellent for those struggling to find direction. It unburies our hidden abilities and awakens us supplying the attention and steadfastness to nurture these talents into gift we can give to the world. Using Rhodonite in meditation, either with stone grids, palm stones or by placing it on a particular chakra, can enhance the experience and understanding of the messages being conveyed.